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Connection Between COPD & Smoking Established in New Research

A new study entitled “Mitophagy-dependent necroptosis contributes to the pathogenesis of COPD” published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation shows how cigarette smoke leads to cell death, a key process in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The findings put into better focus the already established correlation between smoking and diseases of the lung.

It's a windy and complicated report but what it comes down to is that these researchers  discovered how cigarette smoke triggers cell death. The implications are that they now have a new way to address the damage to the lung tissue caused by smoking as a new treatment for COPD. Although this is only the beginning of the process, it provides new hope for COPD sufferers!

I've said all along, OUR JOB is to stop doing the damage and manage our health well while the research and development scientists do their job and within our lifetimes find a cure for COPD! 

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4 Replies

and wouldn't that be the BEST? 


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Wouldn't that be heavenly ???????

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Thanks Thomas for sharing. There is a lot of research going on that is hopeful. I read 1 report stating the expectation is to have medication available within 10 yrs that will reverse copd. Of cours the best thing is to not smoke but many people get copd that don't smoke. To far out for me but good news for my sons. Participating in research helps me in so many ways besides supplementing my meager earnings. Mentally I know that I am helping people in the future and it gives me an opportunity to get out of the house. And who knows, maybe, God willing, I will see better medications that will improve the quality of my life. The 3 inhalers that I am on are my lifeline but it could be better.  Connie

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So nice to read something hopeful about COPD!

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