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Write your Goodbye Letter to _________.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vaping is a common theme here on EX. You can read other's letters for inspiration or read a blog from Dr. Hays on how to go about it.

If you haven't written your own and you're starting the quit process, you should probably think about making your own. But you probably want to first read others' letters before you write your own.

Ready to get started? you'll need to be a member of the community so be sure you login and then you can click the link to start your own Goodbye Letter .  Be sure you tag the post with "Goodbye Letter" so yours get added to the list

Did you write your letter from a template? If you feel you have a particularly compelling one, share a link to it below in the comments, or share your actual goodbye letter here on EX with a link in the comments.

While you're at it, you'll probably also want to write a letter to loved ones as well to ensure you get support and understanding at home while you go through your quit journey to support a successful quit.

EX Community Admin Team
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83 Replies

Good bye forever. Don’t call or text. Lose my number. Deuces 

0 Kudos

@csmith4201 A good-bye letter is a great way to begin your journey to become and Ex.  I just responded to your other post "Navigating Nicotine Replacement"

Are you considering using and aid?


0 Kudos



goodbye to cigeretts and smelly cloths and the chance to give my grandbabies second hand smoke cancer I am 570 days almost and proud of it 


Goodbye letter 

Bye to smoking cigarettes and to the smell and ashes and the habit u kicked me now I started kicking back and u r out



to bad breath and smelly cloths , goodbye to spending money that’s ridiculous amounts a year, goodbye to leaving to go outside away from people I want to spend time with goodbye to breathing heavy and not able to physically keep up goodbye cigarettes this has been one of the longest and only on and off relationships of my life but now I’m over it goodbye 👋 

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Good bye to vapes, and nicotine in general.

You've taken me on a wild ride. You've given me ups, and increased what ever moment I was in.

But you've also given me not so good things. You've given me addiction to come to you, increased stressed and anxiety, mental fog, and today is the day I've truly had enough of it. 

I operated fantastically without you, and I can once again.


Goodbye cigarettes i hate them


Hate Cigarette 

You are in my heart forever. My blubbering, sniveling, blaming, fogged up mind got it right after all. Shocking, because my smoking self was convinced she'd win. But early-smobriety