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Give and get support around quitting



About a month and a half ago I quit vaping for 16 days and I felt very empowered. I was still having cravings and it didn’t feel like it got any better like everyone says it does. It was nice, not feeling the need to grab a vape and hit it every 10 minutes but I still wanted it in the back of my mind. I ended up having a drink and threw all the progress in the trash. I set my quit date for tomorrow but I feel so discouraged. I don’t want to ruin my health. I was sucking on lollipops and that helped but I don’t want to substitute one bad thing for another. Any advice? Im in my late 20’s and im so over this. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome @Bspaar! My name is Quiana, and I am a part of the EX Team. Congratulations on your decision to quit! I wanted to reach out and personally welcome you to the EX Community! We are so excited you have joined us. This is a very supportive community so feel free to keep us all posted on your quit journey reach out and let us know if you need anything. You may find our Daily Pledge page helpful to make a commitment not to smoke on a day-by-day basis. Posting there will also bring visibility to your journey to others who take the pledge daily.

Please join our vaping group where there are more focused discussions on this topic.

Here are some articles that might be helpful as you prepare for your quit date:

Quiana, EX Team





EX Community Admin Team

@Bspaar Welcome to the Ex and don't be discouraged.  Quitting is a journey and by learning about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan, you'll increase your chances of quitting.  It took me 50 years and multiple attempts to finally get it right. 

No matter the source, nicotine is an addictive chemical so yes it can be hard to quit. The fact that you vape almost anywhere doesn't make it any easier. The same principles to quit smoking will apply to your quit.  Knowledge and preparation has made quitting possible for many of us. I never did either in the past and I was never successful. I was planning my quit this time and found the Ex a week before my quit date. I finally learned how to quit and how important support from other quitters can be. Read lots of material on the site. This link is a great place to start.

Quitting Guides

There are two components to quitting.  There is the physical addiction, but also the psychological part that becomes tied to our behaviors.   Working through the psychological component takes time, so don't fault yourself.  It's important to create tools to us and create new associations to replace vaping.  Have you considered a quit aid?

Reinforce your quit by joining many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.  It takes work, but believe in yourself that you can do also Approaching your quit one day at a time helps to alleviate much of the anxiety we experience when we think about quitting.

We're here to support you so reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience, and to support other quitters.

Look forward to celebrate your quit tomorrow.

Stay busy and stay close.




I am struggling. I already hit my vape and it’s 7:16am. I know I can do it but mentally I don’t feel ready but I don’t think there is ever a really good time to be vaping to begin with. I’m trying not to beat myself up. I was 16 days out and I feel so upset that I gave up that progress because right now this feels impossible. What kind of aids are there?

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Deep breaths @Bspaar please read the links that's suggested then keep on reading there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's definitely not easy by any stretch of the imagination but as long as you're willing determined and totally committed to succeed then you will persevere through the roller coaster ride of cravings and moodswings and lack of sleep to get to that good place in your quit where you'll realize how much better life is as an EXer! Stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can you've got this believe it! 


Thank you so much ❤️ 

@Bspaar Getting past that first day can be difficult.  That's why you need to have a plan in place.  What could you instead of vaping?  Go for walk, take a shower, post on the Ex for help, etc.  Be creative. but be prepared.

You can do this.  Nicotine is an addiction, so It's not easy and it does take work.  Have you thought of using a quit aid?  They have helped many of us be successful.  

Reach out before you vape, not after.   Give the community time to talk you off the ledge.  It worked for me and I bet it can work for you.

Stay busy and stay close.



@Bspaar  Please don't give up.  It's easy to get discouraged and go back to allowing this addiction to run your life and ruin your health.  Don't let that happen.  16 days is phenomenal and there are aides out there, that can help you, but reading and learning about how this addiction hooks us, is really important.  My advice to you, and I'm much older than you, is to quit drinking, at least for a while.  When I quit, I had no intentions of quitting alcohol, but I finally did, only because I wanted to quit smoking so badly and I knew that when I am in a drinking environment, I would eventually go back to smoking.  Alcohol breaks down our defences and alcohol has ruined many quits, including mine before.  Please try again, because vaping is so dangerous and you won't regret getting nicotine out of your life.  

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You should be proud of the days you got.  Think about how much you got out of those days. And you learned how powerful of a trigger a drink is for you. I think quitting anything will be a 10 steps forward 2 steps back kind of thing.  I like the saying that if you fall down 10 times getting up the 11th time is what will change you.  I’m just starting this journey and reading your post makes me feel not as alone. 


Thank you for sharing. I can relate so much. I have “quit” so many times. Right now I’m 12 days in. I’m so passionate and motivated in the beginning but it’s like I forget why I want to quit. Today has been hard and reading testimonials help. 

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