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Quit the vape/smoke? Here are some ways to support your skin and overall health!!:)

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Your skin is the largest organ in your body... take good care of it!
Below are some things you can do to have healthy, glowing skin:



 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Hydration is king when it comes to enjoying a healthy glow. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of pure, clean, filtered water - and add a good pinch of quality sea salt for cellular hydration!



 Get into juicing: Another way to enjoy hydration... Vegetables such as celery and cucumbers offer a lot of hydration.



 Get a good night's sleep: Get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep.



 Enjoy fresh air: Fresh air is crucial in absorbing Vitamin A and C. Enjoy delicious, deep belly breaths.



 Avoid smoking/drinking excessively/ fast food/processed foods: The best gift you can give to yourself is to be free from addictions. If you are trapped by any of these addictions, read any of the books by Allen Carr.



 Consume liposomal vitamin C and hyaluronic acid: These are the building blocks to support healthy collagen levels in the body. You can also do collagen peptides (I recommend Vital Proteins and Equip Foods). No need for super expensive liquid collagen - all collagen powders turn into liquid. Just remember: Quality is essential! If you are interested in liposomal Vitamin C (a form of Vitamin C that is easily digested), hit me up to receive a 10% discount!



 Exercise: Getting fresh oxygen is crucial. Go for a walk, dance, march in place, lift weights, do high intensity interval training/Pilates/yoga.



 Red light therapy: Red light therapy boosts collagen production (also decreases joint pain and helps support sleep). It has also been proven to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles in a non-invasive fashion.



 Use a gua sha tool/fascia stimulating tool; do face yoga; get microneedling done by a professional: When done correctly, these practices support collagen production, and they also serve as lymphatic drainage.


 Use a good moisturizer: Shop today through my link in bio on my favorite line!
Please be careful when using skincare products: not all skincare products are created equal.

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