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Write your Goodbye Letter to _________.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vaping is a common theme here on EX. You can read other's letters for inspiration or read a blog from Dr. Hays on how to go about it.

If you haven't written your own and you're starting the quit process, you should probably think about making your own. But you probably want to first read others' letters before you write your own.

Ready to get started? you'll need to be a member of the community so be sure you login and then you can click the link to start your own Goodbye Letter .  Be sure you tag the post with "Goodbye Letter" so yours get added to the list

Did you write your letter from a template? If you feel you have a particularly compelling one, share a link to it below in the comments, or share your actual goodbye letter here on EX with a link in the comments.

While you're at it, you'll probably also want to write a letter to loved ones as well to ensure you get support and understanding at home while you go through your quit journey to support a successful quit.

EX Community Admin Team
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86 Replies

Good idea

Olivia Juarez Puente

when I'm sad, I run to you.

when I'm mad, I run to you.

when in pain, I run to you.

I must be insane to keep running to you.

Threw the pain, the mad, the sad, I remain the same. 

 Time for a change and I'll start with you. 

                  goodbye my old pal cig!

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@liv304 Welcome to the Ex.  Be proud of your commitment to become an Ex.. Great good-be letter to get you started on your journey.  Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Many have found success with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful.  In addiction to some aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating your quit on the 27th and your many milestones to come. Stay busy and stay close.





It was fun sometimes, like when I was drinking or on my break from work. When hanging with friends who also use you. Now it’s gotten kind of old and repetitive. You’re expensive as all **bleep** too. Honestly I feel like I’m not getting anything out of this really anymore except a racing heart and a time waste. Overall 0/10 relationship and imma need to exit.

Thanks for the moments of relief you did provide but slowly you are killing me and it’s just time to face the facts. 

You don’t support me in any of my day to day activities in fact you make them and my goals, harder to accomplish because I’m constantly worried about you and when I’ll use you again. I might lose some friends giving you up because some of us only have you in common. Honestly you weren’t supposed to be around for this long at all…. It’s been too long at this point and my health is physically deteriorating. I sound different I look different and I smell different because of you and none of those have been hood changes. 

sorry it has to end like this so abruptly but I literally have to walk away today. 

hope you find happiness and eventually quit ruining people’s lives with your vindictive, unhelpful **bleep**.




@Hayrenae21  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  Great good-bye letter to get you started on your journey.  It's not to late to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.  Many have found success with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful.  In addiction to some aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Congrats on your first day of quitting.

  Stay busy and stay close.



That was so heartfelt and well written. I hope you’re still on the journey and have stayed stopped. 

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Dear old friend, 

I remember this first time I sat with you outside on my porch. The immediate rush of feeling calm, relaxed and at ease. You gave the most beautiful allusion of being helpful and kind when in reality you have been slowly killing my mind, body, and soul. The joy that comes from having you entwined in my fingers will not amount the joy of being free from the false hope of security. Goodbye old friend for I hope to never see you infiltrating my own or my loved ones lives again. 
                          Sincerely, your old friend.


@Stopthevape_98  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision.   A great good-bye letter is the first step on your journey to becoming an Ex.

It's important to understand that nicotine is an addiction.  When armed with that knowledge, quitting becomes more possible.  There are psychological habits attached also, so we have to work on both.  Early on it's the physical addiction we have to work through. The psychological part takes longer.  We've attached every emotion and activity with smoking so it takes some work to find new associations to replace the old.   

So educate yourself about nicotine and create a quit plan. Along with the support of fellow quitters these two steps has meant success for many smokers. 

This link is a great lace to start. Learn how to identify your triggers, the tools you'll use, creating new associations instead of smoking, etc.

Make the commitment and you can do this too.  We're here to support you on your journey.  So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 15th   I will be the beginning of a new way of life.

Stay busy and stay close.



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You don’t have control over me anymore. I’m taking my life back! I’m taking financial freedom back! You were vicious, sweet, and clever. I was 19 when a friend of mine who was a nurse put my first vape in my hand. She even bought it for me. She was under your sick spell then too. I don’t want you anymore! I want to breathe, go on hikes again, live with only mild chronic pain, no migraines, an actual appetite, and more. You took that away from me. In the past three years I’ve been through many bad or toxic relationships, and you, oh you were the most abusive. You were the one I hunted down, waited for, ran to, confided in, and loved the most of all. You weren’t a friend though. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You wanted to kill me slowly but surely from the inside out. 

It’s over now mother fucker. I’m bigger and better than you. I’m taking my fucking life back. 


@cheykelsie Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your desire to quit.   A good-bye letter is a great way to begin your journey.  I'm don't want to repeat myself, so please read the posts above for some great information to help with your quit. There are lots of vapers here also, so the same approach applies to quitting nicotine.

If you haven't done so already, read about nicotine addiction on the site and create your quit plan.

Please consider creating your own post at My Journal/Blog to introduce yourself to the community and receive some well deserved support.

Have you quit already or still preparing?



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