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Give and get support around quitting



What am I going to do the next time I want to smoke? You want an honest answer here, I trust...

I'm going to piss, moan, bitch and complain and carry on with my day because that is just the way I cope with things.

I acknowledge all the negatives I am feeling, and, like the old song goes "pick, myself up, dust myself off and start all over again..."

I hate that song, but it has gotten me this far in life so apparently it works for me. At least (in case it sounds like it), I've not smoked.

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14 Replies

12 days without a puff

Ok...I am going to do it!..Quit date set for Feb 1. Calling doctor this week. Starting preperation. I am 55 yrs old, about to retire. Smoked for basically 40 yrs. (quit a few times for a year or two) Afraid the free time will make me smoke more.  My health is good and I want to keep it that way. I know the first 2 weeks will be the toughest and will need all the help I can get!...So be looking for me...Ill be looking for your support.


14 hours in fiance in hospital from pneumonia from quitting cold turkey. I happen to be allergic to every quit smoking aid I've tried I have to do this and succeed without aids.... Hopefully I can get some advice... Last night was mostly sleepless and I sweated all night long and have started the coughing. My grandfather died from lung cancer a few years ago. My dad lost half his esophagus and stomach due to cancer from smoking and now my non smoking 20 year old cousin just was diagnosed with lymphoma....I lost my daughter Jan 2015 in a car accident and almost lost my granddaughter of course my smoking kicked into its highest gear ever now I have asthma....... Smoking is definitely no longer an option for me or my fiance.

I'm still not smoking, but I am white knuckling it right now. Dearly Beloved has been an absolute a** for the last 3 weeks and it has totally worn me down. I want NOTHING more than a cigarette!

I have a friend still smoking, and she refused to give me one. The gal at the gas station wouldn't sell me a pack (she knows I guit). So, yeah, I have some remarkable people around me.

Fortunately, my work schedule is about to pick up BIG time. Next week starts the crazy season. I get out of the house way more after a winter being cooped up in the house. Just having trouble, and trying to stay away from the smokes--------------

hugs & blessings



Yep, know the white knuckle routine oh so well.  7 days ex...of a 40 year addiction.  I know I have some serious temptation time with the summer approaching, but my beach bum pal...and supporter has been an ex for over 400 days!   Eating tabbouleh said and edamamesee like crazy...frozen fruit, a sugar free life saver.  I have a wonder sports cup  with a straw for driving, but would so love a bag of chips!   Keeping it real and healthy!