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Pulmonary Rehab

I finished my last session of pulmonary rehab. The rehab lasted a number of months and consisted of going in the rehab center, at the hospital up to three times a week for a couple of months. The rehab center included cardiac and pulmonary rehab. There was a number of exercise machines, free weights, an indoor track and a classroom. After every session we had a class taught by nurses, pulmonary techs, pharmacists, and a few misc. others. I learned a lot and was glad I went.

When I first went in, I was feeling sorry for myself as a spirometry test indicated that I was on the border of the worse stage of COPD.  When I got there about half the people there were on oxygen, one just had a lung transplant, two others had part of their lung removed, and there were others in some severe degree of the disease and they all seemed to have a better attitude than I did. It was infectious .....Maybe infectious is not really a good word to use around folks with COPD....Anyway I became motivated I guess is a better word. And made some pretty good friends.

Thomas always told me to go if I had the chance and he was usual...

12 Replies

It is SO GOOD to hear from you, I am really glad that your experience in Pulmonary rehab was so positive and I am thrilled to hear you sounding so much better.  You are going to deal with this diagnosis with the same amazing stamina as you have dealt with smoking cessation and NOW you have an even broader support system.

I could not be happier for you.

Big hugs, 



Gentle hug johio and CONGRATS on loving yourself STAYING QUIT NO MATTER WHAT and accepting MORE LOVE with double blessing from God in MY Lord Jesus name amen NEW FRIENDS & A NEW MIND SET to keep moving forward and your blogging lesson of your experience in dealing with REALITY RAW LIFE no matter how painful the struggle how you johio keep an open mind and to be willing to keep learning is blessing ME with courage and hope to not only FACE life but to LIVE life with an attitude of gratitude walking in HOPE and PEACE and LOVE to LOVE YOURSELF and to place OTHERS above yourself to receive MORE NEW brothers and sisters in RECOVERY FROM NICOTINE is a FANTASTIC MESSAGE to keep on keeping on thank you for helping ME to keep helping the next suffering nicotine addict to HOPE I love you johio for you teaching ME to love MYSELF first and to give it ALL away to OTHERS! Job well done my beloved brother! I love our beloved brother Thomas as well and he is ONE OF MY FAVORITE STRENGTH ENCOURAGERS TOO! Please take what helps and let go of the rest to be helpful is MY only aim thank you.


So glad pulmonary rehab went well, and that you made some new friends!  Love your new attitude.