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October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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I have stopped smoking Oct. 1. Wish me luck, and good luck and willpower to everyone!
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New date set for Friday the 2 of Oct. so wish us luck because we need all of that we can get from everyone so that what is going on here. We set this new quit date because we ran out of money which is alright to because that just the way it is for now and we like it to say the least. We're on a inhaler so that will make it a little bit easer and the gum to so that we can quit smoking but we still need all the prayers we can get to get us past a certain point and then we end up smoking again and that is not what we want to do this time around.
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Hi, I'm back. Failed my previous quit but I am back at it again. Just took my first chantix and my quit date is when ever this pack of ciggs. is gone. Not waiting for the week. Had trouble in past with depression from the chantix and a very VERY stressful job but I just kissed that job away so I have much better odds/circumstances. Rather be broke than crazy and smoking. And this time I have a shrink/coach. If I can't do it this time....well, that's just not an option. Wish me luck through what I already remember the hard times are. Can't believe I'm putting myself through this again - that's exactly why you should never start smoking again. Cause you just have to do this all over again.
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i want to quit October 2. i want to smoke 1 lastcig. and i want to do it. i have 2 little girls to live for i cant do this 2 myself anymore.. wish me luk
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I have been straight air breather for one day and some hours and I never intend to go back.
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Well I have been smoke free for almost one whole day. It was really rought today. I tried to keep myself busy but sometimes the urge was so overwhelming that I had to take a step back and put my head down and breath deeply for a few minutes. I found myself reaching for my cigs a few times, especially when I was driving. I really, really hate feeling so crappy but I know that it will only feel like this for a short time. I'll check back tomorrow and let you know how day 2 went. Thanks for everyone's support.
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You can do it Sofi! And I'm praying for you Kathleen. I know we can do it. And I also know, from past quits, how much better we will feel once we do this. And, since we learn from experience, I'm certain that no matter what goes wrong in our lives, a smoke isn't going to fix it ormake it better. It's just those first two to three weeks that are so hard. But we can do it!
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Well, did plan to quit mon, but anticipation is killing me and keep thinking im ready, but thats my mind, it says come on you can do it, but my body says 'look out for a bumpy ride, im not going to make this easy.' Im trying to gather as much inspiration as posiible and remeber its mind over matter, and cigarettes just dont matter to me anymore, my kids do, and they deserve better-this is for you guys!
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Hello everyone this is my first time on this site, my quit date is tomoro Sunday, it was gonna be monday but mondays are quite stressfull so 2moro it is, Iam quite excited in a way coz of the challenge of it but I know i wont be excited tomoro when I have been up and about for an hour an not had a ciggie!!! I have tried several times before to quit so i kinda know whats coming but this time I JUST HAVE TO DO IT ive been wanting to stop for so many years I cant carry on going threw my life thinking one day I will stop! as by then it may be too late if its not already I have a really bad cough on a nite which ive had for nearly two years now. Good luck everyone for october.
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Everyone stop by my page and watch my video it is so funny and will help you will your quit .. Good Luck with your quits Smoke free and loving it.
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