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Give and get support around quitting


October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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Hi everyone I am here for you just take it hour by hour it is nice to have a counter you can come to my page and watch my video will make you laugh and help with your quit while you are there under my counter is a link for you to make one for yourself. I am so glad you have decided to quit nice to see you here SMOKE FREE AND LOVING IT
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Whew! the date is coming quick. Is it normal to be NERVOUS about quitting something so harmful? This is my first real attempt to quit. I picked Oct10 to's a nice, round # lol.any advice?
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I am a newbie and looking for some support from people going thru the same things as I do. My quit date is October 1 and the date is coming up quickly. I am a little nervous but I am also excited about my new smoke-free life. I quit once before but I only lasted 4 1/2 months. This time I just plan to take it one day at a time and not worry about the tomorrows or the yesterdays. Any advice that anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
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Soon to be quitters, as I suggest, look around here, read the blogs, discussions, make friends, get support,,,just ask,,everyones eager to help !
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My quit date is Oct. 15. I will be 56 in 2 days and have smoked since I was 17. Found this site last Sunday, and began separating from my habit. I'm amazed at how well it is working. I have already reduced a 2+ pack a day habit to around 1 pack a day. I can't believe it. God is helping me for sure, but I will need lots of support as the date gets closer.
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What's going on everyone? My quit date is September 28th. I know technically im a September quitter but it seems like this is the month where I belong. I looked at the September blog and everyone on there has already quit. I started separating my triggers and went from a pack a day to eight. By the 27th I want to get it down to one smoke. My last smoke ever and I can’t wait. Good job everyone on here. Together we can kick the nasty habit and start living life in a new healthier way.
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Quitting again on Oct 5. Slipped up this summer after a year and a half. We can do it, I know we can!
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Hope I can be of help to all of you with your quit days coming soon I will be around to support any of you who need to talk just stop by my page.
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Joe, how's it going with your last smoke? I'm so proud of you.
  I am still at a pack a day, but it's a lot better than 2+. I'm breathing better already. I need to get that number down. Has anyone tried changing brands? Does it help?
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Well today is September 28th. I have 4 days until my quit date. As suggested, I determined what my triggers are and I have begun to try to separate different activities from my smoking. I am still a little nervous but I am finding that I am more excited as each day approaches. I look forward to running around with my kids or playing an outside game with them without having to stop and catch my breath. My first reason for quitting is for me and my health but my kids are a very close second. Talk to everyone soon!
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