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October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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422 Replies

Pixie congrats to you on day 4. I am also on day 4, doing good so far. Using the patches. Have a great day! Di
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I'm at day 25 now and have only had some minor cravings. I have been sticking with my exercise program and have not had any coffee. I did drink some tea with caffeine and that did bring on some cravings. I have avoided soda as well during this time.
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How's everyone doing on their quits today? Working on day 6 here, last night was tough but I made it thru.

  Hi cate, you might try munching on carrot or celery sticks. Or drink lots of ice water, helps with the craves, fills you up and no weight gain.

  Rob congrats on your now 26 days of quitting. Fantastic job!
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Kellie way to go on your 12 days! How is Trinity doing after the surgery? Hope all is well. I think my nose is getting better also. The smell of it is getting pretty bad for me. I hope it continues LOL

  I'm not sure if I am eating more, but I am defnitely eating slower. I don't feel the rush to hurry up and eat so I can have that cig. Now I can sit and enjoy what I am eating. I'm not much into sweets, but I love chips, fritoes, etc.

  I downloaded a quit meter at and it is at the bottom of my computer all the time. It is free, give it a try.

  Stay strong, we are all in this togther.
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Di - Thanks for the kudos. Trinity is doing pretty good. I had her on a good dose of pain meds the day after surgery so she got up and ran across the yard and busted out her stitches, so I had to take her in and sew her back up, but now she is doing very well. Thanks for asking.

  I can tell you, I had a client come in on Thursday and she was a smoker and boy could I smell it. On her breath, on her clothse, on her dog....eeee gads!! Then after she left, the exam room smelled like smoke for 15 minutes.... LOL I can smell someone smoking in a car as it passes me and when people walk past me at Wal-Mart.... Then I think....did I smell that bad???

  Keep up the good work Di.
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DAY 12........I still have the occasional craving. I feed it with nic gum. I was watching a movie this morning and someone was smoking and I could almost smell it. My first thought was, "Oh, I want one of those", but then I thought....WHY?? So I got some gum and another cup of coffee and it passed. I have survived some major stressors over the past week. I did surgery all day without a smoke...a huge success! My puppy Trinity had knee surgery and I survived the day without a smoke (burned up about 2 miles pacing) success! I bought a new Jeep from a sales guy that smokes 2 packs a day (and smelled like it...YUCK).

  I am tending to eat as a reward, but I know that won't continue too long. Yesterday I had to stop and laugh....I had an open box of animal cookies, a Mounds candy bar (with a bite taken out), a hunk of coffee cake, and a reeses cup sitting out at one time. Guess I have a sweet tooth that I am dealing with.

  Thursday I ran 5.2 miles....boy it hurt! Yesterday I went for a 3 mile run. I did hill sprints. It felt good, but my lungs burned. I was a little suprised about that. I was thinking it had been long enough that that part would pass.

  I got some magnetic numbers and posted my progress on the fridge so the rest of the family can see my progress and cheer me on. I have tried to quit so many times I think they quit listening and believing I would actually do it.

  All in is going well.
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Hi my name is sally and I quit smoking on october 19th. I haven't had not one cigarette since and i am using nicorette gum to help with my cravings. I am having fewer and fewer cravings but now when i get them they are stronger. i dont want them becasue i know they are bad for me but physically my body still craves them and subconciously i still crave them. so even as determined as i am iam also very frustrated.
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  October 13th was my last day for these dreadful coffin nails. Holding up well with only a few bad cravings episodes so far.
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Smoke free as of Oct. 13. I'm starting to dream about buying packs of cigs, though. Scares me a little! I swear I can smell cig smoke in my dreams. Nights are worst for cravings, but I force myself to walk in place or do squats.
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Hi All...just stopping in to say, let's continue to stay strong and protect out quits! Wishing you all the best.
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