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Give and get support around quitting

New member quitting tomorrow

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site so please bear with me. I have been smoking since I was 19. Now I'm 37. I was able to quit twice. Both during my pregnancies with my 2 kids. I guess the stress of being a mom got the best of me. I'm hoping this time is going to be my last. Third times a charm, right! Many of my family members have quit smoking within the last 5 years. I just want to be part of that crowd. My quit date is actually Monday but I thought it would be a present to myself to do it on Mother's day. My husband quit chewing tobacco for over a year and a half and then he started back up again. He told me that the day I quit, he would quit too. I have the tools to quit, I just have to keep my eyes on the prize. I hope everyone on this site that either has set a date, is thinking about it or already has keeps a positive attitude. Let's just go for it!

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3 Replies

Hi how is it going? I just put my last cigarette out - going cold turkey
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I'm actually okay. Haven't gone crazy. I'm trying to keep my mind focused on other things. It seems to be working. I have, for the last 2 days, gone on a walk at work for 20 minutes. That really helps. I do think about it occassionally but I have been able to get over it. I just take deep breaths or try and read something. I have been chewing sugarless gum and Lifesavers mints during the day. It keeps my breathe fresh and it distracts me too. I started on Sunday and I used the Nicotine gum. Then I was reading a book by Allen Carr called EasyWay to stop smoking and he made a point that smoking is a nicotine addiction and not to use a nicotine replacement because you are just feeding the addiction by another form. So I didn't take the gum on Monday and I have still not had a cigarette. So, so far so good. I'm hanging in there. I hope you find the strength, which I know you have to keep the eye on the prize. Which is a happier and healthier life without cigarettes. I look at it this way, the grass is greener on this side.

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Hi agree with what you said. I'm going cold turkey as had a bad reaction from gum and patches. Love to hear from you.pls reply.
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