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Give and get support around quitting


I'm back!

I wasn't sure where to put this, so mods feel free to move. I also couldn't remember where the blogs and journals were to find my post.

I'm back! after about a year... 😒

I ended up relapsing in February of last year, and I'm finally ready to quit again. Been using combo nrt since 1 April, and the combo nrt seems to help.

My goal is by the 14mg patches that I won't need the gum anymore. but if I still do, I won't beat myself up about it--because i read that nicotine is very very hard to quit. But i can do it!

This is my third quit attempt and I am determined to make it my last. I've only used nicotine since 2014, and was a year free from it back in 2017 when things got too much at my living situation at the time. But I'm ready to just be done with it. seeing all the money I've been saving is encouraging. it was ridiculous, I was spending about $40 USD a week on cans of pouches. not cool. 😞 I have more money left this month than I've had in a grip.

Just wanted to let you guys know how I was. I also left due to some screen reader accessibility issues I was having with the site last year, too.

Hugs to all who want them. 😇 🤗

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5 Replies

Welcome back @MusicalHobbit We're all here for you, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp believe it because we believe in you, I'll gladly take the hug and send one back to you, stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent....



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Congratulation on the restart of  wonderful journey of freedom.  It is not easy but doable. Education is the key to a successful quit.  If you stick around you will gain tools and skills to unlearn some of the behavior smoking has created.  You will have to be accepting that you do not have to smoke, no matter what.

The Elders and members are here to support you.  There are daily pledges groups, affirmation groups you can join to help strengthen your quit.  The action is in the blogs, front and center so introduce yourself and let us get to know you.  If you have a question, please feel free to ask.  Someone will help.  If you are have a serious problem with your quit type help in the blog and let us know how we can help. I suggest that you stay as close as possible until your quit grows.  Be mindful of what is going on with your quit. Know HALT Hungry Angry Lonely Tired can be confused with triggers.  Don’t give up.  We are here to support you.  Wishing you much success Foundation For A Successful Quit pastedImage_3.png


@MusicalHobbit Hi, welcome back. Thanks for the hug. Some days are very difficult and hugs are always welcomed. (((Musical hobbit))) here is one for you. Glad you made it back so soon after your relapse. I quit 3 months ago. Learn from your relapse and that will help you on this go! NOPE! (Not one puff ever). Stay strong.❤️


@MusicalHobbit Welcome back.  I remember you.  Happy to see you haven't given up.  It took me 50 years and multiple attempts.  Finding the Ex, learning about quitting and have support made all the difference for me.  

Congrats on your success already.  Stay close and reach out if you need help.



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Community Manager
Community Manager

@MusicalHobbit Glad to have you back. 

Where you posted was completely fine.  You can create Journal posts from the home page of the community or find Journals/Blogs in the drop down under Conversations.

Sorry to hear about the issues with your screenreader. I'd like to hear more about that so we can see how we can make the site more accessible to you.  Please feel free to report any issues in

EX Community Admin Team