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Give and get support around quitting


How Did You Succeed at Quitting [insert addiction of choice here]?

I haven't had a drop of alcohol since September 2nd, 2001. I haven't touched an illegal drug since October of '99. Quitting meant survival, a new lease on life, growing a spiritual connection that was previously missing from my pathetic existence.

I had help: 12-step groups, sponsors, friends, family. I surrounded myself with loving and supportive people and eventually learned how to weed out the bad influences in my life. I learned how to own my actions, and take responsibility for my life.

I can do the same with smoking. I will embrace a new level of freedom and joy. I will continue to turn to the EX community for support. I have proven that I won't succeed if I go it alone. But together, we can accomplish great things.

How are you succeeding today?

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2 Replies

My last drink was January 21, 2006. My doctor told me my next drink would probably be my last. I had to  quit for my young (10 and 12) kids. I was so ready....drinking a pint of Vodka a day. I was a mess. With cigarettes, it's different. Like they are your friends, constant companion, .......  and a little  more acceptable than being a drunk or  a druggie. My quit date was Monday, November 26th. I  had a surprise visit from my daughter who is a Marine, plus Thanksgiving.  I want to be part of the Winners that  I am reading about on this site. I will keep tabs  on this group. I have no more cigs and I refuse give in this time. This addiction is horrible. Nuff said.

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I stopped using pain pills by putting myself into a detox for 5 days... today i have 89 days clean and am doing pretty good if i say so myself...  but i just can't seem to quit smoking... i've tried everyway possible and i just don't seem to be able to do it.

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