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Give and get support around quitting


Day 3

I'm gritting my teeth and pulling out all the stops. No smoking today. Not one puff. I want and need to stay clean. 

There is no reason to smoke. There are only reasons to quit.

It's that simple and yet this addiction is so complicated. The nicodemon whispers in my ear that "it's okay." but it's not. Smoking is never okay. Not in my book. 

Plan for today:

  1. Run errands, or at least go to the bank. That's close and it has to be done.
  2. Cut fabric strips for my kitchen stuff.
  3. Walk outside (it's going to be gorgeous here today in Virginia).
  4. Eat simply.
  5. Fold laundry... again.
  6. Go to my volunteer thing tonight. It's also close and I won't stop for cigs, daggumit!
  7. Brush my teeth.
  8. Break out some of the mints I bought for this occasion. It is an occasion, after all. A celebration. It is not a wake. It is not a funeral. 
  9. Reread the how and why of it all as much as I need to.

I feel a cranky time coming on. I don't feel deprived. I do feel like I need to be completely on guard today. 

I know I'm not alone when I say I wish I had never started smoking

Okay, off the pity train and back to reality. 

23 Replies

NO.  Daniela-3-11-2016   xo

I don't think anyone knew how deadly they were at that time.   Just been thinking of it as of late.  I lost my mom when she was 56.  She smoked,  also in her past had other cancer bouts.   Hard to say which cancer,  actual killed her.  But final was in her lung.


DonnaMarie keep pushing forward.. Baby steps....

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I am sorry for your loss Kim, my mom is 86, living with us, and if some days I feel it hard to be her sole caregiver, most of the time I am so thankful to still have her in my life.


Not to go off topic Donna.  You deserve every ounce of support here.

Daniela,  The hardest thing in life besides being a mom.  Is a 24 7 caregiver.  Exhausting, guilt,  love, dutiful,  and very stressful.!!  Kudos to Mom  for having you xo.

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Off topic is exactly where you needed to go and I'm fine with it. The quit process is so multilayered. It's emotional, mental, physical, behavioral, and all the other ""s that it can be.

I had bladder cancer in July 2015. I had surgery and the cancer was fully removed. Unfortunately, I had complications from the surgery, but fortunately, I made it to the other side. Bladder cancer is caused by smoking (not always). 

You would think I would have quit that day and stayed quit forever. I see the urologist every six months still, and yet, until last October, I smoked. I came here when I quit in October and disappeared after a few days. I didn't make it. I am absolutely am going to make it this time. I have my quit smoking rock, my cinnamon sticks (only chewed on one so far!), and I have all of you here in my arsenal.

I'm so sorry that you lost your mom. My daughter says to me that she doesn't want me to die that way. Do I listen? No. 

I'm quitting for me right now. I hope you and I can stick to this for a long, long time. We deserve it.


CONGRATS 3 DAYS NICOTINE FREE keep on keeping great day planned breathing and loving YOUR NEW LIFE NICOTINE FREE!!!! Tadah your doing it DonnaMarie for YOU that is wonderful keep on keeping on  



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Great job DonnaMarie‌, the pollen absolutely bothers me but humidity is the worst thing in the world.  I cannot stand it because I feel as though even getting from my house to my car is overwhelming.  I am not looking forward to summer.  Oddly enough, I am able to work out pretty enthusiastically in an outdoor poor without feeling that I am being suffocated.  My husband was in Roanoke Memorial Hospital for several days following his coronary is beautiful but if I never had to make that drive again, it would not break my heart.

You WILL be able to make that trip and you WILL not even have to worry about it, you are growing and you are doing a great job.



You are so right, this addiction is complicated and the old nicodemon is a royal pain in the butt but you staying busy and making a plan for the day is smart and yay for another Day WON with many more to come it's going to get easier and easier with time under your belt but first you have to get through the rough patches but you are doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time and boy oh boy it's so worth it to be Free....


A few updates: I volunteer with the local police department and was on call for an event tonight. This morning, I thought about asking a friend to cover me and that I would just stay home. I nixed that negativity and went. I put on my nametag and my "uniform" and greeted and registered people like a champ. I had my quit smoking rock in my pocket and found I didn't need to refer to it at all. The guy I was working with, well, I did show him my rock and it turns out he quit 5 years ago. We didn't go into it too much, but it was good to talk to him. 

After the cop event, I got a fish sandwich at McDonald's. No cigarette in the drivethrough! 

Then, miracles of miracles, I drove home and didn't smoke. I pass a number of places that sell cigarettes on the way to and from the police station, so to me, not having cigarettes didn't matter; I could get them at any time. I didn't! 

I have to go get fitted with a shoulder immobilizer tomorrow. It's a pretty good hike out of town. I'm not sure why I'm so obsessed with driving, but it's a former weakness for sure. 

Tonight, I'm in pretty good shape. I have a minor headache, but that's okay. It's better than coughing and wheezing. 

Good night, all! Thanks for your help and support. Day 4 is coming up.


DonnaMarie‌ I had issues with driving too...serious issues and then I needed to drive to NY State for my granddaughter's graduation from high school...I made it smoke free...did a whole lot of praying along the way and I was seriously annoyed with other drivers but I made it there and I made it back and I am stronger for it.  You are going to do fine, really glad you were able to connect with someone who quit five years ago and who knows exactly where you are coming from.

Hang in there, kid.  You've got this.  BTW, what kind of surgery are you having and WHEN?



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