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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication

What therapies would work with my Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS)?

I'm allergic to the patches and to the gum because of Snas. I attempted to talk to my primary care about options for me but they only offered wellbutrin. Most medications and vitamins contain my allergy. I've attempted wellbutrin before and I don't tolerate it. My care team isn't familiar with Snas so i'm non compliant for refusing medications that I know i'm allergic to. So i'm going through metal detox alone with a nickel free diet. The more weight I lose the more nickel goes into my bloodstream which causes me to flare. Flaring is very stressful for me so I smoke. The cigarettes contain nickel so that just catalysts my flaring. I'm experiencing quite a lot of oxidative stress in relation to the dismissal of my concerns by my medical team. I'm not sure where to start as there is no where to refer me. Mindfulness and yoga doesn't work on my t cells and i'm beyond frustrated as there doesn't seem to be any options. Any suggestions? 

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13 Replies
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Community Manager

I've never seen someone report Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS) before but that doesn't mean there isn't someone on here who is affected by it and might have some suggestions for you. Glad you posted. This community is wonderful so I'm sure there will be some suggestions. 

EX Community Admin Team
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I have contacted the mayo clinic in regards to my allergy. There wasn't anyone familiar with systemic allergies. There will be a way. Just have to keep looking and trying. 

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Community Manager

There are some people here who have tried acupuncture, ear seed pods and laser therapy.  Perhaps something for you to explore.  Wondering if getting your cigarettes down to none and then using  NRT which might only have trace amounts might cause less flare ups in combination with your other detox efforts. 

Mayo is a big company.  There must be someone who knows something.  I will reach out and see if I can find anything.  

EX Community Admin Team

@christinelouise Wish I could be of some help to you. What you're living with sounds terrible. 

Hope Mark can find something out for you.   What about the lozenges or inhalers.  I don't chew gum either, it bothers my teeth. 


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@christinelouise  Saw maybe Dr Sharon Jacob from Linda Loma University has some ideas. Look for post by Doug. 

EX Community Admin Team

@christinelouise Welcome.  Not familiar with SNAS.  Are you actually allergic to the nicotine in the gum and patches?


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Nickel is in the gum and the actual patch. Nickel is high in a lot of foods. It is in most hygenie products. In stainless steel cookwear and utensils. It is in my electronics. It is in car exhaust. In most cleaning products. In clothing dyes and hair dyes. It was in my medications and vitamins. It is in gummies. It is similiar to bio accumulation in a way. I'm suppost to keep my nickel intake low or I will flare. So my experience with the patches was terrible. I didnt attempt the gum. I've never tolerated gum. Always made me feel nauseated. 

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I too had to look up your condition as I'm unfamiliar with it , but like you I have allergies and one ingredient is in most medications make up and foods etc , even tooth paste , so I'm always watching labels . 

I am so sorry you are going through that and understand completely how difficult for you when doctors are unfamiliar with the condition . 

As far as quitting smoking I can only suggest that cold turkey may be best for you . Use tools like distraction , delaying .

Keep looking for the right doctor out there that may be familiar with another case in his practise .. don't give up . . It may take time but someone out there is familiar with what you have . I hope you can connect soon . 


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You can quit cold turkey , many have .