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Community Manager

Welcome to the Quit Vaping group on EX!

Hello everyone,

We're excited to have you join our group, dedicated to supporting each other in quitting vaping and e-cigarettes. Our journey here is about understanding, compassion, and shared experiences.

Goals of this Group:

1. Discuss Quit Vaping Realities:
 Here we can share our realities of quitting vaping -- the things that make it feel hard, the strategies that help, the benefits we're seeing from quitting... all our successes and struggles. 

2. Provide Support: Sharing your experiences and strategies is key. Whether it's discussing the pressures to vape or ways to resist, our group is here for us to support each other.

We encourage using techniques such as asking open-ended questions and sharing concerns without judgment per the community guidelines..

Let's get started...
  • What are your vaping triggers? 
  • How are you dealing with your triggers right now?
EX Community Admin Team
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