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Today's Feasts

Had our first serving of Pesto!!!!  We usually plant much too much Basil.  Planted 3 store bought plants and put in seeds. Basil is really easy to grow from seeds.  But only four plants grew from seeds this time around.  Usually we have an entire 20' row of basil plants.  Much too dry here.  So I'll put in some more seeds.  BUT there were still enough leaves to make our first batch!  It's such an amazing color when it's being processed.  You can also freeze it, I discovered.  And it's a REAL TREAT in the middle of winter, let me tell you!


Zucchini is doing fantastic.  Trouble is - Zucchini is so boring to eat!  Sorry dear Zucchini, but I have yet to find a recipe that's mouth watering with you.  Except the Zucchini cake recipe.  And fritter frying the flowers.  That's a taste delight delicacy like no other!


The Mesclun lettuce is also doing great.  For you crop gardeners out there, if you want to add some spice to your salads, I highly recommend it.  It's a combo of different spicy greens like from the Cress family, etc.  Really perks up a salad.  


Aside from those treats the day lilies are all in bloom here.  This one is truly amazing.  Looks like God took a paintbrush, dipped it in a bit of red and ran his thumb and forefinger across it in a flick to splatter some on the white central part.  I couldn't quite capture it in focus with my 5 pixel camera that's on it's way out but you get the idea.


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Well, I got the garden fencing up and secured.  So far no problems. I picked my first cucumber today.  I was so happy that it did not get eaten by the animals.  Sorry, no pics it is half eaten.  The garden is doing well.  I going to pick green beans in the morning.  I started earlier but it began raining.  pastedImage_2.pngpastedImage_1.png


That is a BEAUTIFUL garden!!!!

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Wow, you must have planted early.

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Not really.  We live in middle Tennessee, so we can start a month ahead of where we used to live in NY State.  And we get an extra month of growing season in the fall.

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Oh, ok.

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I'll be interested to hear how that fence works.  Coons can climb very well.  How to do you get in yourself?  Garden look fabulous!  Your first cuke.  I'm jealous!

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It has been three days now, no signs of any animals or they just haven't figured it out yet.  The marigold, rosemary, and garlic seem to be working.  I haven't had to spray in three days. They really must not like the smell.  I have some other plants in the open that haven't been bothered either.  Hopefully, they have decided to go somewhere else.  I am keeping watch.  Both of the ends have accessible openings that are secured with spikes and a metal stake that easily pulls out of the grown when I want to enter. Pretty cool. 

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its times like this when we are online at the same time that I wish we were all neighbors and could sit on each others porch and talk  I love you gals


Me too Missy.


First batch of peas, beans, wee cherry tomatoes and wild mulberries.  At least I think they're wild mulberries.  A hot pepper and two radishes (have a whole bunch more in the fridge of the latter and they're HOT!)  Husband is cooking them up as I type this.  The peas and beans, not the rashes.  LOL

The garden is a LOT of work, but worth it.

