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This Moment's Garden

Took these a few minutes ago, just before the thunderstorm hit.  Wanted to share the beauty.  You cannot believe the scent of those purple Iris & Spring Phlox!






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14 Replies

JACKIE1-25-15‌  Veronica.  I think!

Missy - don't despair.  I had a 20 year garden I had to give up.  90% was from friends and family divisions.  Almost killed my spirit to leave that place.  I thought at least my 20 year effort would continue on.  I heard from my neighbor who bought our property last year that they raised the house and plowed it clear.  All that's left, apparently, is a blue-bird house they put up by our well.  What a charming Christmas message THAT was from them.  

 Last house we lived in there was no sun and no point in attempting a garden as we never intended to be there long.  7 years later, without a garden.... here we are.  With another piece of Eden.  Finally.   And I started from scratch all over again.  Actually the Iris in the picture above, I took from my garden back in NY state.  Took them to NC and that hideous no garden area.  And they lived.  Survived, kind of like I did.  I've learned a lot in that process of giving up and retrieving.

Put a seed in the ground - anywhere.  We who are gardeners just have to do that.  DESPITE whatever.  My rule of thumb is - three tries and I give up.  If you don't like it in this soil, then it's time to find somebody who does.  Point being - if you wait for the perfect conditions, sun, soil, etc, you will wait  for your soul's nourishment.  If you want perfect, formal gardens - hire the landscaper who puts in the pansies, rips them out for the next perfect growing timeframe....   I don't know.  All that pale blue Spring phlox in the pictures above, God planted there.  I just let it do it's thing.  

Point is - put a plant in the ground.  Don't wait for perfection.  I'll shut up now.


Absolutely agree G! There is nothing I like better than digging in the dirt and planting things! I'm not great at it.....I may not even be good at it.....but it gives me so much pleasure and satisfaction. I know a day like today lowers my blood pressure and improves my overall health...physical and mental.


Absolutely lovely.  Thank you for sharing.  -Michelle

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Beautiful Giulia.



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