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Hey guys!  Hope every1s having a great start of their new year. So...  I've noticed that I've been eating more than usual after quitting... and for my height and age I'm obese.... want to loose at least 60 pounds... I'm 220 now... it was such a Hassel with working out and still vaping/ smoking... I can breath better now and ready to change my diet and get moving... I'm giving myself at least a year to get to the body I want... I want my abs back 😩.. I'm ready for this change.. will keep yall updated.  🥰💗🚭 universal love to all

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2 Replies

@KourtneeLove One day at a time.   You're already noticing changes in your breathing.  There are more changes to come as you progress each day.   Be patient with yourself right now--you're healing from nicotine and a multitude of chemicals.  

Glad you reached out.  Definitely keep us updated and stay close now.


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Wishing you much success.  Baby steps is my advice. 

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