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sammie12's Status Update on 03/27/2020

Newbie here! Not new to quitting smoking-I quit for 1 1/2 years then, 5 years ago, I started smoking an e-cig 
​I don’t know why I’m having lung problems after all this time-January 2020 I was hospitalized and again March 2020
​ER surgeon said this last time I was “dead in bed”-but I still feel like smoking!!! Now I’m smoking cigs here and there but don’t enjoy them. I miss my e-cig so much!!
5 Replies

It's addiction. It's all addiction. If you are not ready to decide to quit, stick around Ex and read, read, read. You might just be inspired to shake yourself awake from nicotine addiction. Doc Evans also talks about all stages of getting ready to quit Have a look if you have not seen it.

Welcome to EX you have come to the right place for support to quit smoking/vaping.  It is all a nicotine addiction, just a different device.  I would start at the education of nicotine addiction and making a plan of how you are going to about it.  Whether you are going cold turkey or use NRT's Nicotine Replacement Therapy. If you go to My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  review the videos and track when and why you vape.  Just replace the word smoking with vaping.  Also, you can follow this linkQuitting E-cigarettes | Guides & Tools | BecomeAnEX is more specific.  I also researched other websites for info was one of them. Read Nicotine 101 and Journey to Freedom.  There are EXcellent articles to read.  If you have questions you can use the magnifying glass top right corner and enter a key word to research. Community Help  is the link to help find your way around the site. If you used the blog or conversation format more members could vieww your content.  Use blog on discussion. 

Welcome to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE please read the links suggested above me and keep reading everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT with commitment and perseverance you will succeed in living a life of Freedom. sammie12

Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  As pointed out, it's important to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan.   Learning new behaviors and associations leads to a successful quit.  We're here to support you on journey, so just reach out anytime to need encouragement or just want to share.

So you quit for a year and a half, presumably before you started smoking the e-cig.  What made you turn to an e-cig after have quit smoking for that amount of time.  I find that interesting.
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