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anaussiemom's Status Update on 02/22/2018

3rd Morning smoke free.!!  Not liking it.  Gobble Gobble.
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4 Replies

Smoking a plastic straw.. Its helping me breathe anyway.........gah.. Want to smoke.

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Chin up deep breaths and know that quitting smoking Is absolutely difficult to say the least but very Doable and so very worth it to be Free, you can take your life back from the clutches of the dreaded nicotine poison but you must believe it and be willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time,deep breaths and choose to kick the nicotine poison to the curb and bury it 6 feet under and start living a life of Freedom because you can.....

Shake your head, put ice cubes in your mouth and try not to get brain freeze...or GET brain freeze, it would be really hard to think about smoking when your brain was freezing.  Kim, I KNOW you can do this, I KNOW that you support others and that you are a compassionate and caring need to take it easy on yourself right now.  YES, you are going to have craves, YES, you are going to want to smoke but you don't HAVE to smoke, you can CHOOSE to be smoke free.  You CAN take care of your little, tiny, baby quit and you can nurture it and help it to grow stronger and help it and yourself to feel more and more secure.  Onward, Lady!

Maybe day 4 will be the ticket. I kind of liked it today. Want my number in case you need to do an emergency text?