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Thomas3.20.2010's Status Update on 07/20/2017

So the New Job:
​Very intense 8 weeks of training. Working for a Corp is sure different! For example you have to clock in and out - to the minute on time! You can be fired for even reading your email off the clock. 
​On the other hand the environment is awesome! Folks have your back! Everybody is encouraged to care and promote the next guy! We have lots of FUN! (think Google.) The building is brand new and spotless.
6 Replies

I am sure it is stressful - learning new things always is for me.  But I am sure that you will do an outstanding job!  Congratulations!

I actually like learning - and teaching! Maybe that's why I have 3 degrees - college was too much FUN! But talk about info - we will be trained to do repair. loyalty, billing, sales, and collections in a one stop - one call gets it right - forum! (And my computer skills are a bit rusty around the edges!)

Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I know their customer service has taken a beating over the years. Sounds like they are committed to improving that and that's awesome!

​Customer service can be tough, but the wins can make you dance and sing! 

​Good luck!
0 Kudos

Thomas3.20.2010  You are going to do beautifully, I have absolutely no doubt.  Getting your computer skills honed will not take long and much of customer service will likely come naturally to you.  You are a caring and considerate person who tries to make things better for others and it will come through in your contacts.  Eight weeks is a long time to train, that's pretty nice.  We're with you, Thomas!
Community Manager
Community Manager

Great news Thomas3.20.2010 It's positive to hear of their custserv improvements.  Having worked in custserv for many years I know what a challenge it can be not to have the company backing you up or not invested in improving customer happiness. 
EX Community Admin Team

Reminds me of a law office I temped for.  You would work for different lawyers and had to account for the time you worked on each client's material because they billed by hour.  Probably in 15 minute intervals!  Glad it's a good environment.  Makes all the difference in the world.