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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The EX Café Thurs 02.16.17

Welcome to The EX Café Thurs 02.16.17



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Doing Great! The morning workouts are my routine now and I can't imagine that changing.  Instead of getting up early just to smoke and drink coffee, it's so nice to put on my running shoes and hitting the streets  It has just enhanced my quit to no end!


Good morning! Enjoyed my cup of tea! Will enjoy my smoke free day doing whatever today as I have nothing on the calendar today other than my normal workout routines but I do get to do them whenever. Today will probably be a good day for me to be brainstorming on an upcoming event. Not good at this, not good at writing but I will get it done because it is important to me. Quit smoking was important to me and I got it done and I have Ex to always help me and remind me how to keep my quit. It's important to me.

Have a good day!



Glad to hear the tea was good!  Love to hear everyone is working out, I really feel it makes all the difference in the world. A healthy alternative, with so many benefits.  And having my first children at 52, I need to stay healthy so I can at least be there for their HS Graduation!  Have a Wonderful Day Trudy  


Good morning! can't wait for the eczema on legs and ankles to heal so I can go back to the gym. hopefully by Monday I won't be leaking . Don't want to go with open areas on legs , do not want an infection already on antibiotics for it.I still continue to be smoke free. what a great feeling.


Great, it is amazing how much I miss the gym when I can't go  I guess we think/feel the same!

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Healthfully living is the way to live! You are going to be in wonderful shape to keep up with your kids! I am 60 now and feel and can do things I couldn't do in my 30's. I believe at age 60 I could handle being pregnant and keeping up with kids way better now then I could then. I don't think I want to try having a baby to find out though. But I do know I can keep up with my grandkids! I can't keep up with my 62 year brother though he is in better shape then I am and he likes to climb mountains.  Maybe someday I will get brave a climb a mountain with him but I don't know, he has taken me on some scary hikes that I just knew I was going to die.  

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Thanks Trudy, keeping up with the girls is my goal  Glad to hear it can be done!

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Wow, a lot of you work the "night shift" at the cafe.  I have been up for several hours and have had my coffee, forgot I should have come here and gotten it but I'll take a protein smoothie if you have them, I have to go to the grocery store and I need all the energy I can get.  It might be my least favorite activity.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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I am also a very active person normally - but this sprained ankle is healing very s l o w l y.  It's been 4 1/2 weeks and I have dutifully been icing and elevating - but it's not to where I can walk without pain yet.  The ortho said 4-6 weeks, and I am thinking it's going to be at least 6.  I use a Fitbit and most days exceeded 10,000 steps normally, so this vegitude is making me slightly NUTS (and fat!) 

.Funny story:At about 55  I was at my ortho for an elbow problem, and asked him how I could work up to running.  His answer?  No.  I said, "what do you mean?"  He said,"NO."  That's all he would say ---- hard to argue with that (we go way back - so he knew anything else he said would start a "discussion" and he didn't want to leave any wiggle room!)

I know this, too, shall pass - but I sure was hoping for four weeks!!!

Thanks for keeping the cafe hoppin', Darren!

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I made a chocolate protein smoothie, since chocolate is the theme today : )