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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge September 2017

Happy September everyone, welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events community where we can meet daily to take each other's hands and make our commitment stronger.

The Pledge Page is a simple but very effective tool for those in all stages of the quit journey. Whether we are new, or have been quit for a while, it helps to hold ourselves accountable for the brave and magnificent decision we've made to better our health.

It doesn't matter what time of day you come here to make your pledge. Sometimes you may want to pledge twice if you're having a particularly hard day.  And that's  ok!  Know that you're not alone on this journey and that there are many hands to hold as you walk forth.  Have heart. Chin up. Believe that it will get better! And be PROUD of YOU!

A special mention to Pops (Ken) who did such a magnificent job with this Pledge Page. Sorry you left us. You are missed. Hope you come back some day.

If there is anyone interested in taking over the Pledge Page - please let it be known. I'm just filling in for now.



How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.
  3.  That's it!  Simple as pie.  And every day you come back and promise not to put a cigarette in your mouth is another DAY WON!  So pat yourself on the back!



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363 Replies

Good morning Twohearts67‌, I am happy to take your hand this morning as I pledge not to smoke today, no matter what.  I offer my free hand to the next person in line who is ready to pledge.

May I also extend my EXTRA hand to c2q‌ so she is not left dangling.  Who is next?

Ellen 1325 DOF

0 Kudos

I'm running a little late today, but I will gladly accept your hand Ellen and extend my other hand out for the next in line, as I pledge to make today another smoke free day

Jo 50 DOF

0 Kudos

Good morning josnyder72‌ I will take your hand, pledge to not smoke today, and offer my hand to the nEXt...

~Brian 71 DOF

0 Kudos

Good Evening Brian Bear Brianairb2

Thanks for your hand - I pledge not to smoke till bedtime.  I reach out with my other hand to the next EXer to pledge.

Bree 190DOF


I will take lovely Bree's hand and pledge to not smoke!  Here is my other hand for the next in line!


Thanks for your hand Jennifer-Quit‌.  I pledge not to smoke today and have my other hand extended to the next in line.

Lynne 186 dof

0 Kudos

Got your hand Lynne, thanks.  Will not smoke today no matter what.  Period.  Love the flower picture Jennifer-Quit‌!  Since I'm always up past midnight I guess I'm always the first one to pledge on the "new day".  So here's my hand held out for the next 'normal morning' quitter!  I think the image below should be in the opposite direction with the whole thing inverted... but - that's MY brain. We generally read from top to bottom.   Either way you look at it, it makes positive sense - that progression from "I will not" to "I managed to."  I think there is one more level on that ladder/those steps to success, however.  And that would be "I maintained that success."  For managing to quit for one day is a lot different than managing to quit for a thousand days.  And ultimately it's those thousands of days we come here daily to pledge for one day at a time.   Just a passing thought here at 1 a.m. before bed.


My version:


I will not

  I cannot

    I want


        I will try

          I can

            I will succeed

              I managed to

                I will keep that success!


It's the end of my first day smoke-free, amd I take your hand amd pledge not to smoke today, tomorrow, or EVER again. 

In reply to your opinion on the inverted photo, I think it's showing how you start off at the bottom of the stairs kf quitting, and as you begin to succeed, you climb up! 

I hold my hand out to the nEXt


Glad you to have your hand on the first day of going smoke-free. Taking the pledge to not smoke today. 

Also EXtending my hand to another EX in support.  


Good morning shiva_ki, I gladly take your hand and extend my other one to whomever wants it and promise no smokes today!

Missy 1100 DOF