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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge November 2017

A quit is full of color.

It glows and grows from within.

Happy November everyone, welcome to the Daily Pledge where we meet daily to take each other's hands and make our commitment stronger.


The Pledge Page is a simple but very effective tool for those in all stages of the quit journey. Whether we are new, or have been quit for a while, it helps hold us accountable for the brave and magnificent decision we've made to better our health.


It doesn't matter what time of day you come here to make your pledge. Sometimes you may want to pledge twice if you're having a particularly hard day.  And that's ok!  Know that you're not alone on this journey and that there are many hands to hold as you walk forth.  Have heart. Chin up. Believe that it will get better!  And be PROUD of YOU!  Every day smoke free is a Day Won instead of a day one.  





How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.
  3.  That's it!  Simple as pie.  And every day you come back and promise not to put a cigarette in your mouth is another DAY WON!  So pat yourself on the back!







I'd like to dedicate this November Pledge Page to the man who started it all on here back in May of 2008.  manofsteele‌  Here's to YOU, Ray!  Thanks for bringing me here!  Gone but never forgotten!


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402 Replies

I'm that next person and I thank you elvan for your hand along with my pledge not to smoke at all today and I extend my other hand to the next EXer in line.


Here you go vanlil‌ 


I will gladly take your hand twohearts67 and pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand for the next person to join us Kelly 244 dof


Kelly I gladly accept your hand. I Promise not to Smoke Today. I EXtend my hand for the next in line to make this pledge with us us. 

George 50 DOF

P.S. I haven’t figured out how to post a pic here yet. But if I could I woild post a picture of “THE BOSS BABY” sitting at his desk in his little boss baby suit with the caption “How To Be A Boss” (this would be the image I would choose to represent my Quit: )


George I will gladly take your hand today. Whoever tries to take my hand today will have to reach to the stars as I'm just not feeling it today. The wagon is too close to not jump on and I don't feel like caring about it. Therefore I cannot in good faith make any promises or commitments today. Being committed to the local psychiatric ward would be easier.

0 Kudos

How's this, George? Fefun   

How to be a boss.jpg

Here's a little lesson in how to post pics:

1.  Find a picture you like.  Let's say it's like the one I put above which I got off the internet.

2.  Right click on it and select "copy image address."

3.  Go to the document where you'd like to put it.

4.  Click on the camera icon 

5.  Select "from the web"  If it's an internet image, or from my computer if it's from there.

6.  Paste in he (CTRL - V) the link address you copied (#2 above)

7.  Click on the red "Insert Image"

Better instructions:

How to Put Pictures in Posts of All Kinds (Discussions, Questions, Blogs) 


minihorses‌  Whether you "feel" it or not - stick with it.  Whether you care or not - doesn't matter.  Commit to it anyway.  Tomorrow when you wake up with another day free you will feel GLAD that you did.  

Related image


Thanks for your hand minihorses‌!  I pledge not to smoke today and extend my free hand to the next in line to pledge today.

Lynne 243 dof


Hi I"m not sure who was last, but here I am on my first pledge ever;  and I take all of your hands with a huge receptiveness,  and extend mine to all else who come next.  Thank You!!!

Jeannie L