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A Quit is a Quit is a Quit

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  Okay, imagine that someone is genuinely tired of smoking, and they’re definitely ready to make a change. So, they begin to think about how to do things differently…
  One   option is to   cut back from 20 cigarettes a day to   just 10 . That’s a   50% reduction! Wow,   tapering off could be a   manageable compromise, like a   reworked version of the way things already are!
  Another   scheme to   reconfigure smoking is to   dabble in   only smoking a pack over the course of a week. A pack a week -   just 3 cigarettes a day! - is a significantly   toned-down adaptation of the habit. Yes, that could certainly be an   accommodating revision, sure!
  Heck, even one single, teensy little cigarette every few days is a   drastic modification. That sort of   creative reinterpretation could definitely be called a   redesigned adjustment to the habit. It could even be called a   major reevaluation. 
   Just…don’t…ever…call it a Quit.
  Nooooo, no, no…a   Quit - with a capital   Q - is   the definitive solution to smoking cigarettes. It   obeys and respects a zero-tolerance policy against permissively puffing even a shred of lit tobacco. A good Quit starts with   100% abstinence from cigarettes - period! - and it evolves from   that reality   forward.
  A Quit is a Quit is a Quit. Anything else is…  practice.
   STORM: 412