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Share your quitting journey

47 hours and 45 minutes....

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I haven't killed anyone or anything!  This is even better than my smoking days!  But honestly, sleep was so elusive last night that I was exhausted all day.  I just looked for those little breaks during the day when I could sleep and I never, ever relaxed with a cigarette in my hands!  I'd always heard too many stories of people losing their homes and their lives falling asleep with lit cigarettes that I never went near cigarettes when I was drowsy.

Having slept most of the evening though.....  actually no.  Right after midnight of my first minute of quit I cleaned down my desk thoroughly disgusted by the layers of yellow and ash adorning everything.  Having a clean area to work on now keeps me from wanting to have a cigarette in here. 

It did seem that everywhere I walked today I saw others smoking.  I carefully watched them and wondered what others thought about me as I smoked as I walked.  Most people who found out that I smoked after having known me for a bit were shocked that I was a smoker!  They thought I was too "smart" or too "down to earth"....  I wonder what else they had wrong about me?  I smoked because I was addicted.  There really were no other good reasons.
