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I had a setback

Good Morning everyone!  

Well I had a bad set back with my smoking  : /  I feel like a failure...

I am not very proud of myself at this point, so I have picked another quit date.

What is it about these cigarettes that I cannot move away from them?

I have walked away from other bad vices in my life with no problems, relapses or anything. 

I am going to make a pledge to check in with this community daily .

 I need to make this happen, and I thank you for all of your support you guys provide. 

Have a great day everybody.


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11 Replies

Welcome to the community @MKLONG this is one heck of an addiction BUT with commitment and perseverance you will perservere through whatever comes your way and you'll do one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at time deep breaths and believe in yourself because we believe in you and we're all here to help you in any way we can, stay close and read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT thankfully it's doable and so very worth it to Free!


Thank you Marilyn, I really appreciate that.

Have a wonderful day!

Not applicable

You are not a failure . You are a learner just like many of us have had to do too . You can do this . I think your plan is great . 




Education is the key that will open the door to success in quitting smoking. Stay close.  Stay Connected 



@MKLONG So happy to hear you picked a new date.  Never giving up is the key to success.   You're not a failure.  You're addicted to nicotine and you're learning how to quit.  I have at least 7 attempts at quitting and it took me 50 years to finally get it.   In addition to some quit aids, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit.  I learned about nicotine addiction and how to create a quit plan.  So go back and review you plan so that you're prepared the next time you have a craving.  There are lots of thing you can do instead.  If you're able, going for a walk, even a short one, is a great way to refocus your thinking and to replace some lost dopamine from quitting.   

Stay close and reach out before you smoke.  That's what we're here for.

I like that date.  We'll have your quit date and my birthday to celebrate.


Relapse Prevention - - EX Community



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This is so true, that's why it is so important to read as much as you can to obtain as much information. Good luck.  

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'What is it about nicotine?'

Well as a quitter for 8.3 years now, I cannot enlighten you beyond what has already been said--it's an addiction. I can tell you that when I quit, I was letting go of a 24/7/365 dependency. 

It is well kknown that in order to get over this addiction, we need to change our behavior. Many who want to quit, wish they could change their mind instantly--to be done with smoking, to be happy and positive about quitting. But most of us have to commit to numerous actions per day in order to retrain ourselves. In time the brain heals from demanding doses of nicotine and it becomes easier to love quitting. At first though we have to do the grunt work--establish new routines by practicing. 

You can help yourself by making a long list of things that you are willing to do other than smoke. Try to make this list all about what you really are willing to do--not what you think you should be willing to do.  

Most of us have our personal favorites--I walked downtown a lot, walked up hill, bought nature books second hand, went to yard sales, avoided triggers, watched comedies...these are a few of the things that were on my list. 

I can't stress enough how this is not about behaving good, or complying or trying to feel things we don't. If you hate craves you are normal. We all did. Craves are nasty little tricks that the brain pulls so that it can feel relieved by getting the drug it is so used to.

Learning to get past craves is what behavior modification will help with. 

You are here! You are making an effort to quit for yourself. That's your sanity shining through the addiction. You can do this one day at a time.



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You all got this I smoked menthol for 20 years and have now quit and pray I never go back

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We all have set backs that's part of life. You can do this and you will. Don't be too hard on yourself.

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