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And so the journey begins

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This is day one of my journey to quit smoking. I have been smoking since I was 12 years old and I'm currently 48. I feel mentally strong, but I haven't laid them down, yet. I am determined to quit & owe it to myself to quit so that I can have a healthier life. I've given up all my other vices, this is the last to go, but it's the one I've had the longest so I know it will be difficult, but so worth it in the end.

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1 Solution

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@cweed75 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  

This isn't easy and does take some work.  Right now, you're working through the process of your desire to quit and the addiction wanting  you to keep it up.  You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking.  

And you just found an amazing group of quitters the are here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex.  There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey.  We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

 This is doable with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years to get it right because I skipped these two steps. in the past.  This time I was lucky to find the Ex and learned how to quit.   

Consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.  One day is all you have do right now.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 8th.   You'll be happy you made this decision for yourself.


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9 Replies

Welcome to the community @cweed75, you can lay them down permanently as long as you are willing determined and totally committed to succeed THEN you can and will succeed in living a life of Freedom it's not easy BUT boy oh boy it's worth it to be Free! You can turn your DAY ONE INTO DAY WON with many more to come stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can! 


You can do this @cweed75 !  Stay close to this site, people here are incredibly helpful.  I'm 30+ days into this final quit, and coming to visit here on a daily basis really helped me get this far.  I learned that no one quit journey is the same, so do lots of reading here and elsewhere, listen to your body, and find your own quit journey.  It WILL be worth it!  So very worth it.  


Smoking was my last vice to ditch, as well. I smoked for 45 years. I have not smoked for 36 days. You can do it. It's not easy, but well worth it. Coming here has been invaluable tool in staying quit. I am sending light and positive energy your way this evening.

@cweed75 Congrats on your decision to quit and welcome to the Ex!

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Welcome to Ex @cweed75 . 


@cweed75 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  

This isn't easy and does take some work.  Right now, you're working through the process of your desire to quit and the addiction wanting  you to keep it up.  You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking.  

And you just found an amazing group of quitters the are here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex.  There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey.  We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

 This is doable with knowledge and preparation.   It took me 50 years to get it right because I skipped these two steps. in the past.  This time I was lucky to find the Ex and learned how to quit.   

Consider taking the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.  One day is all you have do right now.

Look forward to celebrating with you on the 8th.   You'll be happy you made this decision for yourself.



Last time I visited this post I was at 36 days of my quit. I am now at almost 57 days without tobacco. I count each day (and sometimes each moment) as a victory. I love the feeling of victory much more now than that feeling of taking a drag from a cigarette. Yes, i choose victory!


A super CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey @fancy-free YAY for each and every Day WON! YAY for Freedom! YAY for Victory! YAY for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the GIFT OF LIFE! 

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@fancy-free Congrats on your 57 days of success.  That's a fabulous achievement.   So glad you stopped by to share your journey.

If you haven't heard of this, many quitters have found it helpful.

No Mans Land Days 30 to 130 (approximate) - EX Community

Keep moving forward one day at a time.


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