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Hi everyone!!! It’s been about a month since I stopped vaping, and I officially quit zyn pouches today. I tapered off of them, and went from 6mg to 3mg and then I quit. I’m feeling good, focused, and motivated to stop. I just moved, so the change in environment has been extremely helpful in creating new habits and stomping old ones out. I also start a new job tomorrow, so I won’t associate my new place with smoking (even though the quit was unrelated to that). I feel really confident about my quit and I’m excited about the new year being one where I get to really focus on being happy, healthy, and present. I feel like all my life is changing in a good way and I’m ready to start working on a better me. 

Also, for those of you who are curious, I threw away my cigarette the day I moved, untouched! It did a lot to empower me, but it also did a lot of empowerment to throw it away and feel in control. Quitting my way hasn’t been easy, but I feel like it’ll finally stick. I didn’t initially quit because I wanted to, but because I had no choice. In hindsight, that’s the only way I could have done it. Throwing away my working devices felt wasteful, so I tried to “finish them off” before I quit, which obviously never worked. Looking back, I’m so glad my vape device broke. After that, I wanted to feel in control of quitting, because a lot of my cravings and lack of willpower came from feeling like I didn’t get to make the choice. Throwing away the cigarette after keeping it around felt like it was really my choice, my decision, and my responsibility to keep going on the path I’m on. It feels good to quit the way I want to, because I feel like it’s my decision and I’m in charge. I get to quit at my own pace, and today is the first day 100% nicotine free. I don’t even feel any cravings, withdrawal, or anything! I am glad to be doing so good 🙂 

3 Replies

Congrats on 1 month smoke tomorrow!  Another great milestone.  You should be proud.  Not many people that quit even make it that far.  Celebrate and reward yourself.  Kudos to you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats on being smoke-free for a month @kjhh ! That's major. Keep going!

- Danielle, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

@kjhh  Congratulations on your one month quit.  That is amazing.  Continue adjusting to your new smokerfree life.