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Hard Breakup

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On November 9, 2023, I decided to break up with my vape (again). I’m embarrassed to say that I kept going back when I didn’t want to 😔. It was a toxic relationship and had lasted too long. I was ready to move on. I have been vape-free for over two weeks now, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions of my life.

Don't get me wrong, it STILL isn’t easy; not one second. The first few days were hell. I felt like I was going through withdrawal of something much harder! I sweated like a pig, I snapped at everyone, I couldn't sleep or eat. I wondered if I had made a mistake, if I should just go back to my old flame and figure out another way…

But I didn't. I stuck to my guns, and I'm actually glad I did. Because now I feel like a new person. I have much more energy, clarity, and confidence. I can breathe better, my favorite scents are better, flavors are better. I have more time, more money, and more freedom. I have already improved my relationships with my family, my friends, and my co-workers. I have started to reclaim my life.

Vaping seemed harmless to, but it was a trap, a crutch, a curse. It's a way of avoiding my problems, not solving them. It's a way of numbing myself, not living. It's a way of dying, not thriving.

Today I am so grateful for my life and where I’m at now. I hope good things are happening for others too. 😊 

About the Author
26 years old. Losing my parent’s health insurance was the catalyst. Quit date 6/5/23.