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Goodbye Letter

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I've said goodbye so many times before, so I hope that this letter will be our final goodbye.  You have been a crutch in my life that I have put down but somehow always manage to pick back up.  Now I want to stand on my own and breathe and enjoy the many blessings in my life.  I want to walk and play with my grandnephews and niece without feeling winded and tired.  I want my health to improve so that I can continue to watch my little ones grow.  I want the chance to be with my family to complete our circle of love.  I have a family that loves to laugh, dance, sing and just be down right silly.  I love being a part of that.  So as long as I continue to carry you with me, I know that as the years go by I am shortening my time.  So I need to let you go so that I can embrace a new life.  A life without you.  So this I pray will be our final goodbye so that I may begin a new start where I am in control and no longer need you.