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Improving my running

I started working out and running a couple years ago...something I never thought I would do. I soon began running in 5K races but quickly found I had kind of reached a plateau due to my smoking. I got depressed and frustrated and pretty much quit running. My first quit smoking day was Jan 1, and my plan is to hopefully be able to restart my running by time weather starts warming in early spring. I hope my lung function will improve.

17 Replies

I'm hoping to get my health back on track as well but also needing a plan to stay on track.


@scald0807 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit. Use this this time to learn about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan..  This link has some helpful information.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Consider creating your own post at My Journal/Blog on the home page to introduce yourself to the community and receive support from fellow quitters.

Stay busy and stay close.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome @scald0807! My name is Quiana, and I am a part of the EX Team.  I wanted to reach out and personally welcome you to the EX Community! This is a very supportive community so feel free to keep us all posted on your quit journey reach out and let us know if you need anything. You may find our Daily Pledge page helpful to make a commitment not to smoke on a day-by-day basis. Posting there will also bring visibility to your journey to others who take the pledge daily.

Here are some articles that might be helpful as you prepare for your quit date:

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

Good luck! I just started slowly working out again after quitting also, I thought because it had been a few months without smoking I would just be "back to normal" but not so much. Still getting winded during the workouts but my taste and smell have improved a lot so that's a positive! 


Baby steps.  You will get your strength back.  I encourage you to to keep at it and improve day by day.  Be patient, your body is still healing.  Congratulations, by the way.

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@goingtoquit1 Be patient with yourself.   Have you tried walking?  It's  a great way to refocus your thoughts and get that added boost of dopamine lost when quitting.

Unlocking the Power of Walking: A Simple Solution to Curb Cigarette Cravings

Congrats on your quit.

Stay busy and stay close.



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Not applicable

@goingtoquit1 , congratulations on 250 days quit ? Think it’s what I read . I’m just curious how many years you smoked and what do you consider will be normal . Do you mean like you never smoked at all ever ? I will never get back to running myself just because I quit smoking , likely not even walking fast . There are so many factors involved . Age , health before you quit , how much you exercised before when you were smoking , etc . etc . Everyone is different . 
 I have COPD and other health issues . That won’t change . I definitely get winded still even after 12 years quit , but I am much better than when I smoked before that and my COPD  is stable , no exasperations in years . I don’t expect I’ll ever become as normal as a person who has never smoked but I’ve cut down the chances of getting many smoking related illnesses every year that I don’t smoke . That’s so important . So today is my normal , it may improve , it may not , not likely , but never the less I keep walking because it’s good 😊 for me and I keep quit because it’s good for me . 
Keep up the good work @goingtoquit1 . Keep going . You are doing great . A year is close , I hope you will celebrate it big time .. that first year is the hardest but every day gets easier right ? Good to hear about your taste and smell improving , that’s awesome ! One day at a time . 
Have you ever thought of talking to your dr about having a lung function test ? It might be something worth considering . I believe in the states a lung screening is also available to smokers or past smokers . It would be good to have a PFT test to know your baseline and a screening just for an overall check up , seeing it is available . Just a thought . 

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I actually just scheduled a scan recently, so hopefully that will give me a little more insight. Thanks so much for the tips and encouragement!