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Any suggestions for exercising,?

I'm in my early 60s I've stopped vaping and I walked my dog and I'm walking about a mile a day. I broke my hip in 2018 and I shattered my foot in four places in 2008, and when I broke my hip I also got a compressed fracture in my back. I'm only mentioning these things because I am kind of limited in some of the exercises to do or suggestions to keep my mind off of vaping and also to keep healthy. It seems like last post were in 2018 to 19.

Tracey Decambra
17 Replies
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It's great to see a new post here and this is a great topic. Lots of people have limitations as far as the kinds of exercising they can do. I've heard some good things about chair yoga. Have you looked into that as an alternative? 


EX Community Admin Team
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@JonesCarpeDiem @YoungAtHeart @Anonymous @SuzyQ411 @biscuit9 do any of you guys have exercise suggestions when mobility is limited?


EX Community Admin Team


Go to youtube and do a search for chair exercising or low mobility exercises.


Yes, there are videos on you tube for people with restrictions or in wheelchairs.  Improved Health for Seniors has a lady that I work out with and she does videos for all types of limitations.  Be encouraged, I think you will find what you are looking for.


@Momoffivesons  Tracey, there is also a thread, "Let's Get Moving" on this site.  Just people adding their movement and what they can do.  It can be encouraging to go there and read and share.  

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Hi @Momoffivesons . Doing a mile a day and walking the dog is great , good for you . 
I would suggest speaking to your dr first and ask what limitations you have and should not do , so not to re - injure yourself and then go from there . I am hesitant to suggest things that work for me as they may not be the best for you . Ie Zumba ( there is also chair Zumba )  . 

As far as distracting yourself from smoking , you could try new hobbies . There are many u tube instructional tutorials to do pretty much anything these days . 

IE: I took up learning to play the guitar when I was bedridden and quitting smoking  . A Ukulele is relatively cheap to buy and very easy to learn as well , and gets that dopamine going . Sing along too 🙂 and that helps exercise the lungs as well as distracts your thoughts from smoking 

If you do a search or perhaps @YoungAtHeart will post the link , there is a list that floats around here with 100 or 101 things to do . You can find that helpful . There is also the get moving group , everyone is welcome . Perhaps if you had physio some of those excersise you did then might help ? 

Swimming is generally good for mobility issues and if you live in the city or near one there are often classes for people with mobility issues ,seniors centres as well will have low impact classes . Not sure those are available to you , but there are some resources there , and if you call them they can give you ones more specific to those who struggle with their mobility . 

Something else that may help upper body is the resistance band excersises , not sure your age but they have more gentler ones for seniors , again just google to see what you like . I would make sure that your dr okays that type of exercise . With your back and foot it may not be suitable for you , again risk issues ? 

I have a table top arm pedal machine , bout 80 dollars , that might be something that could help you . I use it because with a walker I am losing strength in my arms . 

Keep walking , keep moving , great job on your quit and looking for ways to help keep you distracted and healthy.  


Todd, even though you didn't ask, I'll chime in.  

@Momoffivesons I think walking is the best exercise there is.  Especially with your dog.  You're doing great.  An addition to my normal walks, when I first quit smoking I would just walk out the door and walk for  block or two. It's a great way to refocus your thoughts and you get an added boost of dopamine.

I have a bad back and hips.  In addition to daily exercises (some from PT sessions in the past) walking works great for me.




I like this idea and plan to use it of just taking a short walk just to help the thought/urge pass.

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