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This year's craft craze?

So has anyone noticed what the craft crazes are that are going to be for the holidays this year? I haven't had time to really look at things online to see what is really popular right now. I just know I go and make things out of whatever I have here at home at the time. Here are  a few more pictures of things I've made and just the past couple years. Hopefully some of you will post some pictures of things that you work on. I'd love to see them and try to get some new ideas. Sis and I try to come up with some good ideas but I'm the one that ends up doing all the crafting because she gets tied up with everything else. She's not actually my sis she is the stepsister to my deceased husband. And since he's been gone we have literally become like sisters to one another. But anyway here's some of the ideas I've made things out of.




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Beautiful. Thanks for sharing them . Sorry to here of your losses . Congrats on your quit . Doing crafts definitely helps with distraction , and delaying smoking . 

My first quit I painted an entire Christmas  village . My daughter still light them every Christmas . I would love to learn how to do more crafts . 

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